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Old 07-20-2020, 05:12 PM
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oyf709 oyf709 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Vancouver BC
Posts: 61
oyf709 is on a distinguished road

thanks. I moved it to its own QT tank from the rest of the fish just to be safe and to be ready to copper dose the separate QT.

When I catch it, I can see the side of its tail has some scratches, that could be the irritation cause it to "bite" its own tail.

I don't see it doing that vertical twisting anymore which is the most concern part because when it is twisting, some tiems it will flow down to the bottom of the tank almost upside down.

this has not been spotted in the separate QT tank. Will keep an eye on it.
~* <3 NEMO <3 *~
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