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Old 07-16-2020, 07:54 PM
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oyf709 oyf709 is offline
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Originally Posted by Chuckvandam View Post
Unfortunately Ur searching for a unicorn..aside from the captive bred ones (very hard to find/expensive/come very small) most people that claim theirs eat pellet, the mandrin is eating the pods off the opinion dont buy a mandrin if u dont have a big enough system, with a good source of pods....far to many people kill these beauties because it

I agree with this one.
If you really love Mandarin like me, you will most likely prepare to commit to it like commit to having a child lol.

I seeded my tank 3 months before i got the mandarin. After I got them, I still check on my pod level and the moment I couldn't see any obvious pod population on my glass (chances they are still there just lower population), I will buy and reseed them.

I had the experience having them start to go after some frozen food after a while, but it is always a hit and miss
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