Thread: Fragging
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Old 07-04-2020, 07:29 PM
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Eek. I find fragging softies like this to be the hardest due to its composition and slime build-up.

The easiest way would be if you can frag a piece with even the slightest bit of rock\rubble on it. That way you can just glue down that small piece of substrate.

Place the frags in medium-low flow is ideal. Low enough so the frags don't blow around or off the plugs, high enough to prevent the coral from smothering itself in slime.

In the past I've also tried using a toothpick to skewer the piece and then rubberbanding the toothpick to a rock, allowing the frag to attach. Or, use a piece of mesh\bridal veil type material and wrap the piece, not too tightly onto a piece of rubble.

or simply drop frag plug or rubble into your colony, wait for some tissue to attach to it, and then cut that piece off. viola.

Happy fragging!
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