Thanks for the kind words guys. Sadly no tank yet, it's with the movers and scheduled for delivery on July 6th which has me both terrified and thrilled.
Here it is being built:
3/4 Sapphire all around. Overflow on one side with three 1.5 bulkheads, and two 1" return holes on the other. We put holes along the top back brace to allow for 4-6 gyre to be positioned along the back wall. I plan on putting 2 MP60s and 2 MP40s on the sides.
Since the tank sits almost against the wall I needed to make room for the Gyre magnets and a way to hide all the cables. I put together some recess boxes:
Here are all four done:
Each has a hole in the bottom so I can run cables down below the tank.
Here it is all mudded and painted: