How has the pandemic affected your tank?
So here is a question for the masses. Has the pandemic affected your tank in a good way or a bad way?
In my case it has been a mixture of both it has affected it negatively in that I have been unable to replenish lost livestock that helped keep my tank clean of algaes like hair and diatom blooms. I lost all my sea cucumbers(also the death of one led to a partial tank crash) most of my snails and crabs have died off due to age, the tank crash and other factors.
Add to that living an 8 hr drive from the lower mainland and scaled back flights everywhere has added to the misery. J&L is looking to possibly start shipments again hopefully in July but I also know there will be many people scrambling to get livestock orders in as well so I will be in the rush of first come first served.
On the positive side my tank has recovered nicely from the crash just dealing with an outbreak of hair algae. I was fortunate in that my industry was classified as an essential service (Pulp mill) so I still had an income and was able to maintain my tank. I was also able to score some new equipment at discounted prices from some trusted vendors and do some equipment upgrading with powerheads, led lighting and submersible heater.
With the die off from my partial crash I now have room to add some coral I have been eying up for sometime now and this might be the perfect opportunity to spend some money on some nice softie corals. We will see what the next month or two brings.
 My aquarium is nothing but a smorgasbord for my cats.....