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Old 06-08-2020, 12:51 AM
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WarDog WarDog is offline
Darth Moderator
Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Maple Ridge, BC
Posts: 3,111
WarDog will become famous soon enough

Lots of progress lately. Rebuilt the mixing and water change system.

Added a substrate vacuum to the drain side (which I didn't have on the previous tank).
Drain automatically loses suction at the 25% water change volume mark.

Hands free draining right into the sink. All made from left over plumbing parts.

WYZE cameras from Amazon.

Stuck one in the stand.

...and one on the tank... oops, need a filter.

Got a temporary light from Rich, until shipping from the States returns to normal.
Also Amazon'd some vinyl wrap for the back of the tank, just need to apply.

Thanks for looking,
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