The die off bat hit me again
Well I had a die off happen over the last 2 weeks it started with a tiger tail sea cucumber that made it to my sump and died where I couldn’t see it or get to it and I only noticed it after it started falling apart and floating to the top of the water by that time it had affected my tank both my Devils hand and finger leathers shrivelled up being as that is normal behaviour for them I ignored it until my finger leather started to melt away by then it was too late to save it.
Two other sea cucumber died but were taken care of by the CUC in my tank and my GSP started to disappear mostly where the foot of the finger leather had been for the last 4 years. Skimmer went crazy for 4 days solid having to empty the tray twice a day and finally after 8 days my tank started to recover to the point where coral is happy again.
Ironically none of my snails, crab, cleaner shrimp or fish showed any signs of ill effect the only thing affected were the cucumbers and my coral.
Final tally
1 dead finger leather
3 possibly 4 dead tiger tail sea cucumbers
Half my GSP gone (not necessarily a bad thing)
1 zoa colony decimated
Now I’m dealing with algae bloom once under control and after J&L starts shipping livestock and deal with the first round of buyers then I will give myself a true empty wallet syndrome.
 My aquarium is nothing but a smorgasbord for my cats.....