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Old 05-06-2020, 05:06 PM
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Default What foods are you feeding? Pellet and flake recommendations?


Lets start a conversation about feeding regimens.
IMO i feed heavily, several feedings a day... i also have some larger fish with big appetites and also smaller mouthed picky eaters like anthias.

Just want to see, what are your go to foods? On the daily?
Especially looking for some dry food options to try for the anthias.

I currently have various small pellets and various flake that most fish consume, but not the anthias and other smaller fish.

I feed primarily frozen stuffs that most fish enjoy. Again, the anthias pass on larger frozen like PE mysis but are good with Hikari mysis which are smaller.

Also have a copperband that is only eating frozen fare, mysis and brine. Are there dry foods a copperband will eat?

Ive made some home made frozen and still need to perfect a recipe, last batch had squid, which i find most fish dont like.

My regular foods used
Hikari mysis
PE mysis
Spirulina brine
Some various flake (mostly eaten only by the big fish)
Some various pellets (mostly eaten only by the big fish)

Guess im looking for suggestions for the smaller and more picky fish.
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