Originally Posted by GreenSpottedPuffer
This worried me as I use the ATK haha...
Are you saying the optical sensors are garbage? Or just float switches in general? I don't actually use the float switches but I have been using the optical sensors for years. I am always worried in general about auto top offs. Never had one fail but I hear about it all the time.
Sorry to keep the derailing going 
all good
float switches in general .slow timered pumps just make me feel safer than a pump always on with sensor cut offs.
Ive never used the ATK, I had set my top off pump to stop before I left for work so If i could hear it walking out the door Id know there was a problem and on weekends I'm usually leaving to go diving about the same time.
Im a creature of habit so its very hard for me to wrap my head around changing when it has worked flawlessly for me.
the gears stripped in it finally but I got my moneys worth it didnt owe me anything.