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Old 04-12-2020, 09:33 PM
cvrle1 cvrle1 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Surrey, BC
Posts: 194
cvrle1 is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Ryancw View Post
drill holes and ty wrap once they are inside the tank. Or i've heard of drilling and installing acrylic rods. Me personally, i like to cement as much as possible. in your case i would cement two structures together and then try and make a sturdy resting point between the two and if you are still worried, drill for a single tie wrap you can install once inside. Easily cut-able down the road if you can remember where you tied it

remember when you set the rocks inside the tank, Rocks first, then sand. that will be the main reason your rockwork shifts if it ever does.
i do have fiberglass rods ready to go, so i will drill and use those for sure with some rocks. Others i will super glue and cement together. Bigger issue is that between some of these, there are like 2-3 small points where rocks touch, so nowhere enough room to drill a rod and place, unless I want rod to be visible. Was thinking about zip ties, but heard the will fail and snap over time, especially with salt water. Will play around with it more and see if I can build up few of these to have more contact. Then I can cement them in place.

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