Hello Canreefers,
I joined Canreef wayback June 2013 and I have attempted to have build a dream reef but keep on failing miserably. I have quit a couple of times but I kept on coming back… like a fly that’s attracted to the bright light of Metal Halides.
I have learnt a lot on my 7 years of Trial and Error approach and came into a conclusion that this hobby is like a stock market, you can’t keep them up all the time.
I actually patiently waited for Rich [Bblinks] to become an Admin of this forum before posting my tanks here, (so I’ll have some clout).

Actually if not for Hung, my tank will be empty. Thanks Hung for donating your precious acros.
WTH, without further ado, here’s my tank.
Tank: 57G Starphire Rimless Tank
Lighting: LED + T5 Hybrid Combo (Radion XR15 G4 x 2 + ATI Blue+ 39W x 2)
Skimmer: Buble Magus C6 insump
Sump: 20G Breeder DIY sump
Bio Filter: 50lb Real Reef Rock
Return Pump: Jebao DCT 4000
Flow: Glamorca GP03 Gyre; 4 Jebao wavemakers
Controller: Apex Jr.
Heater: Eheim 250W x 2
Water Chemistry & Photo Period
Salt: Redsea Sea Salt (Blue Bucket)
Dosing: BRS 2 part
WC: 10% Every Week
Photo Period: 12 hrs. Coral Lab AB+
Fish & Inverts
Blue Tang, Sailfin Tang, Copperband Butterfly, Flame Hawkfish, Lemon Wrasse, Yellow Wrasse,
Spartan Masked Clownfish
Several Snails