Wow, I have not updated this in forever. So as mentioned above I was experiencing some strife in the tank. Then the APEX failed while I was on Vacation and in its failure, it ignored the fallbacks as well and dumped all my dosing containers as fast as it could at once into the tank. (I had switched to 3 BRS dosers run by the APEX after my prior doser failed). This really put things over the edge and killed most of the corals in the tank that had survived the prior strife. Algae came hard after those deaths (how the fish made it through is beyond me). I've battled the algae for the last three years gaining some days and losing most. In mid 2019 I tried Vibrant and it really was what I needed to get things back on track. The tank cleaned up dramatically (although my Cheato all died) and I was able to stabilize everything.
I'm now back in game and the tank is doing mostly well. I have some cyano issues right now but I have been dealing with it. I'm back on prodibio and that has helped as well. I was lucky to get some help from local reefers and a few orders from Marine Experience to re-stock the tank with SPS. I will be using Aquaforest products to color things up and strengthen the corals as they grow.
My lights have been giving me issues for a while now and I'm currently debating moving to fixtures if I can make the pricing work. My lights were never full spectrum and so I always wondered if I could get more color from my SPS if they were.
I've attached a few pics to give an idea on how it looks.