Another new year means it's the anniversary for the current DT, and since I seem to like starting new things at the beginning of the year, I also got a nano tank off the ground

Everything is going well. However, due to increased feeding, tank has hair algae for the first time, patches here and there. I'm considering trying out Vibrant in a very conservative treatment, but I'm a bit chicken so I'm procrastinating as usual.
Main tank marks 2nd anniversary. How time flies...
First thing to greet me when I come home through the mud room door
This is one of my favourite things right now - a Japanese toadstool. It's super bright in whatever light and has great movement. Can't wait for the polyps to grow even longer.
So now that I'm an old hand at this (

) it was easy enough to throw together the little tank. It measures 31 x 12 x 16. Throw in some old tank water, sand, rock, bing bang boom - instant tank! Add some soft coral & snails, nothing dies, great, add fish. I moved over my original clown pair that I bought at JL Boxing Day sale 4 years old when I started the hobby. They had been in the sump for a year because the new clown pair, who get to live in the main DT because they like to be hosted by the nem, tried to murder them. I mean she was charging at them with a machete.

A new couple: Popeye and Olive (tangaroa goby & candy cane pistol). I encouraged them to bond in the sump before the new tank was ready.
Didn't buy any fish this Boxing Day, just shrimp, which is exciting as I've never had these before due to the puffers in the main DT.
Winston the Wolf:
Sexy trio!
I am on the lookout for interesting macroalgae and soft corals for the new tank, especially gorgonians and anything unusual, so please if you have something, let me know!
Wishing everyone a happy 2020