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Old 12-24-2019, 06:36 PM
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smokinreefer smokinreefer is offline
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im not familiar with apex but, this is what ive found...
its basically a factory reset and will let you start from scratch...

If you have the display module then follow these directions from Neptune:

When you initialize the Apex the FUSION link will be removed and, you will then need to re-link the Apex to your Fusion account:

*Initialization will erase corruption and everything else. Copy your programming onto a notepad or go to and print the summary.

If you wish start go to your Display Module and go to SYSTEM> INIT MEMORY> INIT ALL> YES
Everything will turn blinking orange
Wait 5 minutes
Check all your Apex Equipment everything should turn to back green status.
Make sure the internet connection cable is secure and connected.
Once the Display Module is back up go to SYSTEM> NETSETUP> DHCP(turn this ON) > RESTART.
Wait 2 minutes for the restart to finish.
Go to the Display when it starts up and look at APEXFUSION: option. It should say 'LINK'
Click on LINK twice, you'll get your special Code.
Go to and sign in
You will now need to remove your previous Apex Controllers like this image here. Click Remove.
Then go back to your Display and get a NEW link token.
Relink up to Fusion again.
- S H A O -
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