I know there are rumours of them going out of business, fuelled by their failure to answer emails, etc, and the phone number on their website is apparently out of service (they confirmed this). I searched out threads & phoned the number of a LFS they own (not associated with the light company) and spoke to his daughter. Yes I am a polite Canadian but I’m persistent. It took a couple of calls with her and emails after that but he finally responded.
Btw, a Canreefer just bought some lights so they are still selling.
It’s not ideal but I think the lesser of two evils is me getting the parts and trying to fix on my own.
Kinda sucks because these lights grow coral pretty good. I chose this company because their website pushes the fact that they are a US company, have a 2-year guarantee and when you pick up the phone someone speaking English answers. That would be great if only someone did answer!