Hi guys,
Sold half of my corals. Still plenty left. After talking to people I realized that not everybody was able to see pictures at
Adding smaller resolution pictures below.
What is still available:
Live rock $2/lb
Corals in large 2"+ frags:
Green Hairy Mushroom $10
Common Brown Mushroom $10
Ricordea $30
Miami Hurricane $40
Meteor Shower 20$
Bonsai $15
Yellow Scroll $20
Purple Valida $20
Rainbow poscillopora $20
Green Paly (~15pcs frag) $15
Steel Paly (~15pcs frag) $15
Glow stick SPS (bright green) $25
Bulls Eye Rhodactis $10
Green slimer $20
Metallic Green Hammer Coral $15
Also for sale:
Hanna Checker Calcium $75
Hanna Checker Phosphorus ULR $50
Hanna Checker Alkalinity $50
Jebao DP-4 Doser $60