Thread: Sump planning
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Old 11-09-2019, 05:46 AM
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Originally Posted by smokinreefer View Post
i agree. bigger fuge, smaller return.

not sure what the purpose for your fuge is; either to grow algaes or pods, but either way bigger fuge means grow more algae and pods.

personally id remove the ATO section from the sump and have a seperate ATO container. unless you are doing that because you have no other space for it.
I'd have room to add a separate 10g tank in the stand. Would take up about half the remaining room in my stand but I don't know what else I'd need down there.

Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
I like a larger return section simply for the dead space for emergency overflow if the power goes out.

IMO a fuge is a waste of space. You can achieve better results using a reactor. About the best thing it does is house pods but not sure how many would make it through a return pump.
That was my thinking as well. What kind of reactor would you recommend? I've never used any reactors before.

I should have my return pump by Monday so want to finalize the sump plans so . Lol
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