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Old 11-06-2019, 10:54 PM
cvrle1 cvrle1 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Surrey, BC
Posts: 194
cvrle1 is on a distinguished road

I spread it out around 1 month or so, but I only did few hours a day, and not every day. I would say each grit took 2-3 hours to do, so about 10-12 for sanding. For buffing, 3-4 hours per Novus, so around 8 hours. Total I guess around 20 hours +- few

I got that sump from Coralvue Outlet eBay store. I was going to build my own out of 40g breeder, and figured tank + baffle kit would be around $200. I saw 36xl sump for $275, as manufacturer mucked up and used some sort of yellow glue in few seams. Because of that they couldnt sell it through regular store at regular price. I figured for $75 extra I may as well get much nicer and bigger sump, and not mess around with building my own.
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