Coral pricing
Being as this appears to be a sore spot with people about coral prices I figured I would start a post here
Now to be clear there are very reputable coral dealers out there who are very responsible with their prices and size of their frags and I have my suppliers I use and as Tim stated in the Poll buying coral from suppliers is getting harder and more costly for the LFS and that gets passed on to the customer which I have no issue with.
If you wish to vent please be respectful of sellers even if you feel you are unfairly treated by them
My biggest beef is when a hobbyist gives a LFS store frags either at cost or free then the LFS turns around and tries hawking it for exorbitant amounts of money sometimes as much as 10x the price they paid for it that is bad business practise
I also have issues with hobbyists that frag their colonies then want LFS store prices I understand wanting to make money from the hobby but that is going overboard IMO.
 My aquarium is nothing but a smorgasbord for my cats.....