Selling the BioCube I bought from BBlinks a while ago.
Everything you need less the water and livestock!!!
Oceanic BioCube 29 Gallon Aquarium, Stand and LED Canopy + many extras.
No scratches in glass
Comes with Cabinet, Aquarium, and Rapid LED upgraded Canopy with extra orange and green leds.
20lbs CaribSea Black Sand, new
30lbs Walt Smith Reef Project 2.1 man made reef rock, new
40 gallons of D+D H2Ocean salt mix
Tunze skimmer with air pump, check valve and silicone airline
Extra return pump
Tiny Koralia pump, new
3 nets, buffer, fish food
18 watt UV Sterilizer with 6 new bulbs.
1/4" mesh for making fish blocker
Media Baskets
Pic of LED