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Old 09-28-2019, 09:53 PM
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Frogger Frogger is offline
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I tried Acropower for a while but found it was ending up being food for cyano.

As stated at the beginning of this thread. I tried Vibrant but instead of helping with the GHA it started my year and a half battle with cyano. I have good periods and bad periods with the cyano. I have to vacuum it out at least once every 2 weeks right now (bad period) or it starts to take over the tank. I removed my sand bed last year as it was one of the culprits.

Still have GHA that I also vacuum out once every 2 weeks. The green hair algae only grows is many small patches and hasn't really spread.

It is not nutrients or water flow that cause the cyano and the GHA. I believe it is the lack of nutrients and unstable nature of the nutrients in the tank. I have to manually add nitrates and phosphates or they quickly zero out causing not only the corals to look like crap but the cyano from growing crazy.

Not sure why I feed heavy enough, do not over skim and have enough fish. I can't find a fish/ snail/ urchin that will make an effort to eat the GHA.
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