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Old 09-27-2019, 03:25 AM
hillbillyreefer hillbillyreefer is offline
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Central, AB
Posts: 471
hillbillyreefer is on a distinguished road

I’ve been using it since June at 1ml/10 gallons every 4 days trying to eradicate a years old gha problem. At the start I had undetectable nitrates and virtually undetectable Phos using a Hanna ULR.

Anytime I’ve had SPS brown out or STN start I’ve done something else stupid, like badly fluctuate alk. I don’t attribute any of the problems to the Vibrant. My LPS has receded somewhat and not grown much it’s all still alive, I assume Vibrant has contributed to that but probably isn’t the only factor.

There was a ball of Cheato in the sump. After a couple months it simply disintegrated and disappeared. At this point my Phos and nitrate spiked. Phos went to about .44ppm and nitrates were at about 5ppm. Lanthanum chloride was used to drop the Phos.(I’m guessing this contributed to some stn and browning of the sps.) Remove all your macro algae’s before starting the dosing.

As the cheato decayed the GHA had a slight resurgence in growth rates for about 10days.

Overall the gha has basically quit growing, has receded and not returned on some small patches. The war hasn’t been won yet but slowly the battles are. When I started with the vibrant some bubble algae had begun to grow on a new frag, after a couple months of dosing it just disappeared overnight never to return. My water is crystal clear, glass doesn’t need cleaning as often, except for the coraline algae whose growth seems to have accelerated.

My nitrates are back to undetectable and phos is back down to .01ppm last test. The tank gets a small dose of KNO3 daily. I haven’t had any Dino problems yet, but anticipate them showing up when/if the gha finally succumbs.

I’m happy with the results so far, about to open my second bottle. It’s been the only solution I’ve found that has even put a dent in the GHA. If it rids the tank of the gha I’ll be dancing naked in the streets(I live in the middle of nowhere, you won’t see it on the news).

It’s like any other additive, weigh the pros and cons, make sure you have a good reason to use it and introduce it slowly.

Last edited by hillbillyreefer; 09-27-2019 at 03:28 AM.
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