Hi Greg,
No, I do not QT. No UV. I feel there is always a risk within our hobby and my approach is I try to mitigate the risks and get them into a good environment asap. First I research all I can about the fish’s needs. I check it out as best I can before purchase, do another visual at home, acclimate for about 15 mins, lower the lights, offer a prayer to the sea gods, and add into a quiet corner.
All my fish are from JL except for my green spotted puffers (freshwater LFS on Kingsway) and one clown from a Canreefer.
I have never lost a fish to disease. Two jumped (long-nose hawk and one of my original puffer pair, which broke my heart) and a lawnmower blenny and pair of pipefish wouldn’t eat. My first tailspot blenny passed away after 2 years, but he was quite large when I bought him and I’m not sure what their life span is.
I’ve lost a couple of turbo snails & hermits but otherwise most of my CUC are from when I started 3 1/2 years ago.
I did feel a bit nervous adding my only tang, a yellow. Gary is fat and healthy and not obnoxious although he is pushy at feeding time.
I feed what I think is a good diet. Main food is my homemade seafood mash, with nori, few kinds of pellets, kelp pellets also thrown in. I’m a believer in feeding well to build up their immunity. I think it also contributes to a peaceful tank.
So yeah, I feel I’ve been lucky so far. I’m thankful.
Last edited by Dash; 08-29-2019 at 06:00 AM.