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Old 08-04-2019, 09:29 PM
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Dash Dash is offline
Join Date: Jan 2016
Location: New Westminster, BC
Posts: 304
Dash is on a distinguished road

Hope everyone's enjoying the summer weather. I've been having fun observing the shenanigans going on in my tank...

Added this beauty, an Orange Tree gorgonian. Non-photosynthetic so I've been trying hard to keep him fed. His colour is not as bright now sadly.

Patrick the fromia can always be found in a comical pose

Inkspot tunicate. He refused to be held by mere superglue, shrinking and inflating very defiantly, so I had to MacGyver him down. He's accepted it now, grew a "foot" into the rock in a couple of days

Can't get enough of Walt. What a face

Before the anemone inflated in the morning, I tried to capture the fatness that is the female clown. Still doesn't show her girth. She is laying quite regularly, and I feel a bit bad when they fuss over the eggs.

Petey likes to stick himself to random spots to sleep.

Blondie decided a tiny door was adequate for Snape but swept the front yard clean

I was quite surprised to see how big the Red Diablo was when I was doing a WC. I only see it from the front so it was twice as big as I thought it was

Turned on the lights to capture the polyp madness of the Rainbow Loom

Last edited by Dash; 08-04-2019 at 09:38 PM.
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