07-29-2019, 05:40 AM
Join Date: Dec 2016
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 1,250
Originally Posted by ReefMadness
I use maxspect gyres and overall really do like them. I started with one xf250 in a standard 120g and eventually moved to 2 of them when the new controller was released. Here are the things I've found along the way.
the pros:
- they do move water very well. I've never had to push them over 40%
- very flexible controllability with either the pre-programmed schedules and ability to create custom ones.
- can easily be paired with a battery backup.
the cons:
- they can be a pain to clean as there are a lot of parts. assembly takes some finesse to keep the pumps from squealing when they run.
- depending how hard they're run they can make some noise.
- unlike Vortec pumps they do have a power cord.
I like mine enough that if my pumps both died today I'd replace them with the exact same thing.
Thanks for your feedback! The pros and cons are exactly what I was looking for. My only experience with a Gyre was the knock off Glamorca version, which unfortunately ended with spun bushings. That being said the single glamorca moved water great in my 150. The cord part is annoying for me as I have a mesh lid and currently have 2 mp40s. I think I could get over that for the amount of flow achieved by the gyres. Going sps dominant, with the corals growing out, I definitely could use more flow. How long have you had yours?
300g Basement Reef - April 2018