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Old 04-21-2019, 05:48 PM
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WarDog WarDog is offline
Darth Moderator
Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Maple Ridge, BC
Posts: 3,111
WarDog will become famous soon enough

No one is interested in contributing to this site. We invited several 'expert level' members to have their own forum, provide tips and answer questions and all of them declined. We had a POTM contest every month, until not one single picture was submitted, two months in a row. We had a TOTQ contest, until every single tank that won ended up crashing, or being shut down soon after, only to have the contest be labeled as cursed. We had the resignation of several moderators, which piled more work into the remaining ones. We had massive complaints from paying Vendors about members who were constantly selling frags. We changed the buy and sell rules to favour the Vendors, which then ticked off the members. We lost major Vendors as paying sponsors to free media sites like Facebook. We've got members who don't even know how to upload pictures because they have no idea how to navigate BB sites, are use to instant picture uploads to social media sites, and can't be bothered to learn. We've got hundreds of thousands of pictures lost to Photobucket because of their new 'pay to use' bullshit. We were promised a New Canreef platform that was a hybrid of BB, Facebook and other social media sites, that would be easier to contribute to, and instantly share pics, locations, tags etc, only to have its development completely aborted 2 years ago. We had Alberta's oil field employment nose dive, and we lost a ton of contributing members to that. Most newer members think growing and selling coral is going to make them a ton of money, and are in the hobby for profit (haha fools), they are more than welcome to use here, FB Coral Hoarders and other FB pages to sell stuff.

The buy and sell guidelines were discussed at length when they were written, and we are fine with the location being either in the title, in the thread, or the sellers profile.
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