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Old 02-26-2019, 04:32 AM
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smokinreefer smokinreefer is offline
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I have a concept display as well.
Over all I am pleased.

I did not deal with Dave.

From my personal experience, my advice would be to keep communication clear. have a checklist with all the items and details you requested/ordered and go through it with them during construction. Beat that horse dead.

The last thing you want is to spend thousands of dollars and not get what you asked for, and were told you would get.

In my case, I ordered a white bottom. Did it have a white bottom when it arrived? NO.
Resolution: sent me some acrylic sheets and silicone. So now I'm siliconing sheets of acrylic with my awesome (sacrasm) DIY skills on my newly purchased expensive custom display tank.

Is polished edges the same as bevelled?
Mine are bevelled, except for the corner edges of the eurobrace, which I also believe to be an oversight. Makes no sense to me to have everything bevelled and then have a small piece that's sharp.

To me, it would make sense that they provide a list of all the details they can do for custom tanks and let you pick which features you want. If that was available to me I think the tank would've been perfect.

To me these details are quite important because my tank is a Peninsula. And it's in the main area of my home. It's a centerpiece and a focal point and most likely my final display.
I wanted it perfect, but I am satisfied.

But just like anything else. Over time some things won't bother you anymore. Get it filled and start reefing and you won't sweat the small stuff anymore anyways.
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