02-14-2019, 02:29 PM
Join Date: Dec 2016
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 1,250
Originally Posted by Frogger
As I have had a heater fail and somewhat fry my tank I now run multiple smaller heaters on a separate controller to avoid that problem again. Both the controller and heater thermostat would have to fail. With smaller 100 watt heaters one broken heater shouldn't be able to increase the temperature too quick in the tank.
From what I have heard is you should replace heaters once every couple years. I primarily use 100 watt eheim jager heaters and by a bunch of them when they go on sale on Boxing day.
I was leaning toward this idea, I have a 300g so I was thinking of buying maybe the 200w or 250w but a bunch of them with a separate controller. I just look at the price being more then 2x for titanium...ugh.
Originally Posted by H2o2
I went to titanium even though they are more money and occasionally they fail but I have had 2-Pro 250 W bust open and take out almost all of my corals. It could have been a power spike but the titanium 1 I had was fine , so even if they fail they don’t crack open I hope and put what ever that stuff is into my tank.
They all make me nervous a bit like you said
I agree that the titanium tube itself will stand the test of time, however is it worth the money when they will all fail? I guess maybe I have been lucky but I have never had a glass eheim Jager break on me.
300g Basement Reef - April 2018