Thread: Fragbox
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Old 01-21-2019, 01:39 AM
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Just to follow up.
My "replacement" order came in fine.
Packaging was much better than the first time around, but that's not saying much.

And I very recently recieved a decent sized order from them.
Everything came in alive (One frag dislodged from plug, and one frag had a bit of STN on base.). 2 heat packs in the box.
Everything looks happy.

Would I order from them again? Yes.
Critism: would hope to see better packing in future.
Compliment: majority of sps frags were large sized. No nubs.

Not sure what the norm is, as I have limited online livestock purchasing experience. However I have recieved several orders from another outfit that had top notch packing. So that is what I use to compare.

Long story short: they have redeemed themselves in my eyes, and would have no problem ordering from them again!
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