I have a lot of beautiful coral that is relatively easy to keep and grows quickly. Here are some of those pieces at great prices!
Always willing to trade for things I don't have (usually higher end stuff though
Neon Birdsnest
Super bright and fast growing!
Medium Light – Medium Low Flow
I have a handful of these frags
$15 - $20 depending on size
Mother Colony:
Yellow Tip Austera
Fast growing, easy coral, that looks great in any tank!
Medium Light – Medium Flow
Frags are $15 each
Mother Colony:
Skyrim Stag
I've had this one growing out a while. Long, beautiful blue and purple branches on a green base
Medium / high light – Medium flow
I have a handful of these frags
$15 - $20 depending on size
Branching Cyphasteria
A rare branching version of cyphasteria. Very nice piece that does well in lower light areas.
Low Light – Medium Low Flow
$20 per frag
Mother Colony:
FG Blue Steel
Looks like a granulosa and grows fast when happy!
Medium Light – Medium Flow
$20 per frag
WYSIWYG – Not the best picture. Coral is more silver / blue growth base with purple tips:
Bird of Paradise
Beautiful, fast growing, easy to care for, SPS! A have a few more frags available now.
medium light, Low - Medium flow
$15 - $20 per frag depending on size
Mother Colony:
Pink / Purple Stylopora
Deep rich color on big, paw like, branches (it's sometime called a cats paw). A beautiful slow growing coral. The first time in a while I have made any frags available.
Medium Light – Medium Flow
Only 2 frags available - $25 per frag
Green Dragon
Beautiful bright green branches with white growth tips and just a hint of blue on the top.
Medium Light – Medium Flow
Only 1 frags available - $25 per frag
Lots more that isn't listed including LPS and Zoas!
Thanks for looking!
Sorry, no SPS shipping in the winter