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Old 12-18-2018, 04:01 AM
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smokinreefer smokinreefer is offline
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First off. I hate the name game.

Its a nice green polyp toadstool!

If a specific name is going to be put on it, like Tyree, it should be of that exact lineage from him.

That's not to say there aren't "generic" toadstools that will look exactly the same.

I have heard of a long tentacle Japanese toadstool. But again, that's not to say there isn't a short tentacle Japanese toadstool.

FWIW, from the pic it looks very similar to the Tyree toadstools I keep, except mine seems to stay a bit smaller.

I too got a frag of what was sold to me as a Japanese toadstool. When it grew out, it looked identical to my Tyree.

So hope that clears the mud! Lol
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