Help with Algae ID
hey folks,
Looking to identify this algae that seems to slowly be growing out from various rocks. I have done a bunch of google searches and I’m leaning toward some sort of greenturf algae. I have tried to remove it manually but it’s stuck in between the rock pores and is almost like a stiff velcro texture.
Tank parameters:
Salinity: 35ppt
Alk: 8.5 dkh
Calcium: 450ppm
Magnesium: 1460ppm
Phosphates: 0.03-0.08ppm (fluctuates with no reduction media)
Nitrates: 1ppm
- What type of algae?
- How to remove it?
- Cleanup crew that will eat it?
Couple photos attached! Looking to get rid of this as it is growing by my corals.

300g Basement Reef - April 2018