HOLY SMOKES! $700 takes it!
Custom 32g Rimless Starfire Nano (24Lx16Hx19D) w/ external overflow
“Starfire/Low-iron” glass on all three sides. Glass is 99% free of scratches except for one small scratch on one display side.
Custom steel stand. Skin it however you like.
15 Gallon Sump (three chambers: intake, skimmer, return).
Light: AquaticLife - 250w MH - 4x24W T5HO + Led moonlights
BONUS: DIY - Full Spectrum LED. Grew corals like weeds but I didn’t like the shimmer. This is controllable via the Reef Angel Controller. Got the plans from Nano-Reef, but never sold on it. Can control via Reef Angel Controller.
Controller: ReefAngel PLUS (PWM LED) - has the larger capacity memory for custom light and other controls. Also has a WIFI module which allows for control, monitor, alarms and other features.
Has an auto-top off - which is contained in the stand and houses in a standard 5G freshwater aquarium. Has an 8-outlet controller which offers timing and on/off.
Monitors for temperature and PH in real time and broadcasts from your phone. Overhead function as well in case of thermometer malfunction.
Wave maker: Vortech MP10 ES
Skimmer: Bubble Magus NAC3.5
Heaters: Jaeger and Aluminum (2x150W)
Return Pump: QuietOne
Approx 30-35 lbs of live rock and rubble. This was dry rock that matured in my tank. Totally free of pests, and nuisance anemones/hitchhikers.
Custom window screen top to prevent carpet surfing inhabitants and not affect light.
20% of a H2Ocean bucket - or whatever is left when sold (have to do water changes still)
All for 700
If you buy the tank, I will throw in all of the fish that are not sold:
2 mature, mated Oc. Clownfish ($60/pair if sold without tank purchase)
1 Yasha Goby and candy-cane pistol shrimp ($120 - because of the huge PITA it will be to catch them separately.)
A few snails.
There is a medium softie leather and some patches of pulsing Xenia.
Other knickknacks:
25gallon per day RODI with almost-new filters - $80
Refractometer ($20)
Salifert test kits (basically new): (buy 2, save 5$; or buy all 3 for $60)
1. Calcium ($25)
2. kH/alk ($20)
3. Magnesium ($25)
Water change bucket and auto-siphon tube/sand cleaner - $20
Kent Hand-Feeder - $10
Message for specific pics