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Old 11-08-2018, 03:31 AM
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There are always exceptions as each fish is unique in personality.

In my experience, aside from the temperament of the particular specimen you have, a large enough tank, with enough aquascaping so the fish are constantly staring at each other will help with your success.

If they are similar in size is helpful.

Introducing at same time is a bonus, but how often do you get to buy all the fish you want at once? If not possible to add at same time, it's said to be helpful (and I've done this myself) to rearrange some rock work/ coral placement to disrupt established territories, and i usually give a big feeding too as a momentary distraction.

In my past 180g mixed reef, I was able to add several tangs at different times with success. Yellow tang first. Purple tang second. Red Sea sailfin third. Powder blue tang last. If I recall, time frame from 1st to last tang being added was between 1-2 yrs.

I currently have 2 tangs, added at the same time. A yellow and a powder blue, both of which were approximately the same size when added (juveniles). I plan to add a similar sized red Sea sailfin when I have the chance. Most likely that will be the last tang I will get.

So long story short, I think you would be fine with those two.
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