Why not just buy a new one from J&L? Are you gonna trust a used one to last?
And you don't need to use a neptune one if you're not worried about lab grade.
Just get the american marine pinpoint if you want to cheap out. It's only $45 and I've so far had them last a few years with the odd re-calibration.
If you want lab grade, check out the reefcrest one. I haven't looked it over yet to see if it's 2 stage, but it's $65ish if you don't want to spend over $100 on a neptune one.
Just be sure to purchase some 7.0 and 10.0 calibration fluid as they are never going to match your controller out of the box.
Last edited by gregzz4; 10-23-2018 at 02:06 AM.