My mandarin used up the second of his 9 lives (at least I hope he has that many). The first life gone was due to me being an idiot and cutting the top off the bag too fast. It exploded and he splashed onto the floor, right in between the washer and dryer. In a controlled panic, I carefully used my net to coax him into jumping towards me, then ran to dump him into the DT. So much for acclimation, etc. Now two years later, I was staring into the tank and thought, huh what's that pretty blue stripey thing inside the rock...turns out it's Po's face staring out at me. He somehow found a tunnel entrance under the rock where the pistol shrimp lives and got stuck coming out. Luckily my scape is not glued together, so I lifted up the rock & he swam out. Hid in his cave for 2 days barely moving, then he was fine. Any other rock and I wouldn't have seen him but this one was right in front. Whew!
He is especially grateful because JL came through and let me know they had a lady friend for him. She's lovely and the perfect size for him. This guy who does not know other living creatures exist (other than pods) immediately perked up upon seeing her, raising his fin. A little spirited chasing, nothing aggressive. She slept in his cave the first night, but don't judge her. Hoping to see the mating dance soon.
Well, hello... (Is that your dorsal fin or are you just happy to see me?)
The hawkfish trying not to notice the politically incorrect behavior
You'll be back - you can't resist me...