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Old 09-28-2018, 04:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Willito View Post
I know you're asking about Magnesium chloride but if you're looking for Magnesium Sulfate, Walmart is the place, 4kg jug is just $8. I am looking for cheap Mag chloride as well.
So I suspect we've been doing the same thing then, because that's also what I use for the sulfate.

I HAD been using "Sifto Safe Step Natures Power" flakes (and still am for the moment as my bag isn't finished - but it's close, and I thought, oh I should get a new bag since I have to get some more sulfate anyhow, take care of both things). Anyhow I noticed that nobody local was stocking it anymore. So I emailed Sifto (well, actually, I emailed "Compass Minerals"). And the story is that the product isn't discontinued, but is not available in Western Canada because there's isn't enough demand to justify the shipping costs or to manufacture it locally. So you can still get it in the Home Depots/Canadian Tires/etc. in Ontario at least, just not here.

They did point me to this place: Pestell Minerals & Ingredients @ 888-718-5552
1) They're still in Ontario
2) It looks like the sort of place that would serve you well if what you needed was several thousand kilograms of Magnesium chloride, but not a single 10kg bag.

So: bummer. At least I got a few years out of that option. In the absence of any other bulk option, I'm thinking the ReefCrest bulk from J&L is the way to go.

But if anyone knows of any other alternative, please post here!!
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!

Last edited by Delphinus; 09-28-2018 at 05:10 PM.
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