Everything I have is back in now, LPS are super pale probably from lower light in the temporary tank and no nutrients in the new one. Acros browned out hard, lost 4 colonies in the end; purple nana, blue tenuis, reddish "dragon" type, and yellow tenuis (<-worst loss for me). Not too bad I guess considering the poor conditions for three months and horrible alk swings in the temp tank.
Added a school of firefish to pump up the nutrients in the main tank, and popped a sea hare in frag tank to deal with the hair algae farm I got going on in there.
New equipment seems to be working well. Satisfied with the Jebaos, there's really not much to speak of for options on them, but for the price they accomplish what I wanted quite well. I added two T5s for supplemental lighting to help kinda "fill" the water with light more. I'm pleasantly surprised with LEDs so far in terms of growth and look, however the diffusion and shadowing doesn't seem to be fully solved yet with them, hence the extra T5s. They should start making them curved or something to help bend the light into crevices and whatnot.
Still only have smart phone and a Fuji point-n-shoot for pics, feels like reefin' almost automatically wants to make you a camera guy too so you can properly share all your work lol.