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Old 12-20-2004, 06:44 PM
PrairieReefer PrairieReefer is offline
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Lloydminster, Alberta
Posts: 61
PrairieReefer is on a distinguished road

Catherine, most of the clams that AI got didn't make it. Their shipper forgot to put heat packs in the boxes and of the 100 or so clams they got only about 15 are left alive (one box had a heat pack in). With all the other clams dieing , I don't think I would be picking up even something looking good, as they must be stressed badly from the nutrient load in that tank.

That said, they have some beautiful corals in right now, so the trip to the store is still worth it.

How was I to know that Salt was an addictive drug?
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