Heya folks, I usually enjoy skimming through reefin' logs and pictures in my free time so I figured I'll contribute and throw up some content for others to glance over. Early this spring I dismantled my tank and had a new one built about a foot to the right and forward, why so much effort for so little gain? It allowed me to remove the two step sunken landing at my front door which the aquarium had been previously hiding in the basement.
It's 50" long, 24" tall, and 26" wide. Rear mounted overflow chamber in the center, two returns in the top back corners, and the same sump as before with a refugium for random algae scum in the middle.
Running an eShopps skimmer which is probably rated just right for the new tank, two maxspect 230 gyres on alternating 10 second waves up high, and still have to pickup some bigger wave pumps for that rocking effect.
Tank is filled now with rock but my light is still a couple days away so I'll throw up some aquascaping pics when it's here. In the meantime here's my somewhat unhappy corals waiting for treatment in quarantine before they move in.