So ammonia has gone away. Seems like the cycle is nearing completion.
I found a second snail that survived! I know have one cerith and one trochus snail that survived!
I did another big water change today and moved all the coral back to the 75 gallon. It looks like I have 2 acropora that still have a bit of colour on them. Hoping they can pull through. Is there any chance that the ones that have bleached out will come back or are they dead?
Anything I can do to increase the chances of survival for the 2 remaining that aren't completely white?
I still need to get a replacement power head. I just had to buy new tires for my truck which ate up a big chunk of my fun money. So looks like I will go with another hydor koralia for now until I can save up for something better.
Took a few pics of the acros.

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