Originally Posted by DKoKoMan
Well hopefully you are able to keep a couple corals alive after this disaster. You may have a cycle or you may have a small ammonia spike. It’s hard to tell until you start testing your parameters.
As far as some decent powerheads I have used the gyres and the Rossmont movers and really liked both. The movers are priced well for what to get and were very reliable.
The hammer and frogspawn are looking a bit better, but still not great. No change to the chalice and acan.
The acros are slowly getting worse

I don't think I will be able to save them.
The tank is having a massive diatom bloom. Really bad on the side where the powerhead died.
For the gyres powerheads which brand would you recommend? Seems like there are a few brands for them at varying prices.
Also picking up a skimmer today. So that should help with any future algae problems.