Originally Posted by DKoKoMan
Hahaha  got to love cats when they get the zoomies. My wife fosters cats with a local rescue so we have a bunch of new faces. There is always something new and exciting but I have yet to have anything tragic regarding my tank occur. Luckily minimal damage to your tank and all your furry animals are not hurt. Btw they are some nice looking cats, neat coats especially the black and white.
It was common when I had my 33 gallon for miss grumpy to fall in to my tank or get bit by hermit crabs not to mention she used to love drinking salt water (cats are one of the very few mammals that can drink salt water with no ill effect due to efficient kidneys)
Most tragic thing I have happen involving my cats is losing hermits to miss cranky pants who was fascinated with them as they climbed the corners of the 33 gallon tank.