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Old 04-12-2018, 06:14 PM
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Dash Dash is offline
Join Date: Jan 2016
Location: New Westminster, BC
Posts: 304
Dash is on a distinguished road

I decided to order a BRS starter kit for 2-part dosing as it comes with everything I need to ease into this new experience. I've brought my numbers up over the last week or so to the desired levels of:
CAL 420 ALK 9 MAG 1350
So far I am dosing manually and actually it's been kind of fun. I'm happy to see that my rainbow monti which had lost some tissue now seems to be recovering. The bald spots are shrinking & all the edges are ringed with blue growth tissue. Whew!

I also had to make a new batch of food, as my fish seem to be eating more as they're growing. I hand chop mussels, clams, scallops, shrimp & squid. These guys eat pretty good, I have to say...

I added a new guy recently - a segmented blenny. His name is Kenny, and he's grown quite chubby since these pictures were taken.

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