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Old 03-23-2018, 03:52 AM
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gregzz4 gregzz4 is offline
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I have a male Melanurus wrasse with both a fire and cleaner shrimp.
He will eat newly introduced peppermint shrimp and small hermits, but is OK otherwise.
He also eats fire worms, micro brittle stars, and anything else he can get at. Good for keeping populations down.
I've had him for maybe 5 years in a 75g and he's about 4" now at most.
Needs lots of rock work to 'check over' for food and a sand bed for sleeping.
Eats flake, pellets, frozen, nori, spirulina pellets and wafers ... pretty much anything that goes in the tank.
I currently have him with a starry blenny, coral beauty, 2 fairy wrasses, a flasher wrasse, a pj cardinal, a yellow tang and a springer's dottyback.
He shares control of the tank with the tang without fighting with it.
Last week I saw the melanurus put the coral beauty in it's place by pecking/poking against it's side and the cb kept showing it's side in submission, but there was no damage. Now the cb has stopped picking on my flasher wrasse
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