I added a Blue Lagoon Acro frag yesterday, and finally decided on placement for everything I think. I have two more spots that could use something - one at the very top, and one just above the Frogspawn. There is also a spot below the gorgonian that something could go, but that is a VERY high flow area and lowish light, so I'm not sure I'll be able to find anything that will be happy there. The Acros are all growing - encrusting the epoxy, and polyp extension is always good.
The canister is getting air build up in it, and releases a big gust of bubbles every once in awhile which irritates everything. I'm hoping to find an answer to that problem. Not sure what to do about that.
The 2nd Panda Goby died. I found his little body when I was rearranging corals.

I thought he was doing well, but I found he was much more elusive when I added the Catalina Gobies, so maybe they were harassing him.
The Catalina Gobies are entertaining - they lazily chase each other a few times a day. Apparently they are hermaphrodites, and any two could breed. Maybe they'll start laying eggs at some point.
I'd like to add a fish that swims around, but not sure there is anything suitably small. I do plan to add a Porcelain Crab and a Pedersen's Shrimp. Maybe a couple Sexy Shrimp.