Originally Posted by Myka
All the photos in this journal have been taken with my cell phone - Samgsung Galaxy S8 using the "Pro" settings.
That is very true! Cameras and phones with white balance sliders or settings rather than sensors make all the difference in the world though.
If this tank becomes too much work it will go in the closet. 
Originally Posted by DKoKoMan
I tend to agree with you. I suck at photos.
Sorry not to derail Myka's journal...
My photography skills is most like as bad as yours or maybe worst than yours DKokoman.
When I started taking pictures of my aquariums, I thought I need the latest and the greatest DSLR to take awesome macro shots. And so I did purchased a nice DSLR and a nice macro lens for almost $3K. And guess what my pictures still suck.

Until I started learning photography and realized that it's all about how you use your camera (camera settings), and the art of taking photos (rule of thirds etc.)
Now I seldom pull out my DSLR from my camera bag, instead I use my Samsung Galaxy S8 to take pictures same as what Myka is using. And yes, your iPhone or Pixel will take breath taking pictures more than you think.
By the way, awesome Nano Tank Myka. Keep the pictures coming. Now I'm itching to have one on my desk.