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Old 02-04-2018, 04:41 AM
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Kobiyashi Kobiyashi is offline
Junior Member
Join Date: Nov 2017
Location: Aldergrove
Posts: 1
Kobiyashi is on a distinguished road
Thumbs up Clean up crew

James helped me out with my new team of janitorial engineers. If you can wait a bit I would highly suggest you piggy back on his next order.

He made it super convenient for me for pickup and followed up with me to make sure everything went well.
210 DD mixed reef, 75 gallon sump, SRO 3000, reef keeper, DCP15000 return, 3xAI sol, 250lbs live rock, 45 watt UV feedback loop to refugium, bubble magus doser for the big 3, Liquid carbon dosing. Waiting on a couple gyres....
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