Is anyone still using Mitras? I feel pretty alone on this, it seems most or all have moved away from them (or the hobby altogether).
Would love to hear from anyone still using them.
Or if you used to use Mitras and switched to something else ... what did you switch to?
So back in the day these seemed pretty spiffy (and pricey). I picked up 3 used for my 280g back in 2014 and switched over from Radiums.
Honestly my tank has never been quite the same. It's not quite the fault of the Mitras, other things have been going on that make the tank a challenge. But it never felt right to me. Last year I picked up a 4th from Concept (a former store light). With 4 over the tank, I've gotten some coral colour back.
But I'm still worried about using these. The fact that they don't get sold in Canada anymore. What do I do when one inevitably breaks down? Where can I get it serviced? Or is that it? Time to replace?
I'm seriously tempted to move back to Radiums. Hot and electricity loving yes, but man, simple. On. Off. Watch corals grow for 12 months, then replace lamp. Rinse and repeat.
The only thing I really like about the LEDs is the cloud cover feature. Or rather, the ramp up in intensity when the "cloud" passes over. I'm always like "why doesn't it seem bright? .... Oh, it was a cloud. Neat. That looked like I'm snorkeling, hee hee!". ....... It's probably a feature I could learn to live without.