So yesterday I actually pulled the trigger on the IM Lagoon 50, but it was too big and there was simply no way to convince my family to let me keep it.
I had my dream tank for about 24 hours, alas I had to go and return for a Lagoon 25 instead.
It was nice looking at it for 24 hours. I'll be sure to purchase it again one day when I have space. It is absolutely stunner of a tank.
Went back to get the 25 instead, saved a bunch of money by downsizing so I'll put that towards some nice clams.
Craigslist has yet to fail me. The APS tank from IM for this tank costs more than the tank itself and I simply could not bring myself to purchase one. I went to IKEA immediately after picking up the tank, but could not find a cabinet that fit the odd dimension of 24"x20" that this tank has. While I was in IKEA I started scrolling through what must've been at least couple dozen pages of craigslist ads when I finally found a suitable stand. I immediately went to go see it and the cabinet was simply perfect. Measuring 24" x 22" it is built like a tank and the hardware is top notch. They told me one of the family members had it custom made years ago. For $50 I think this is the deal of the day, not even a fraction of what a new stand from IM would've cost me.
and with that, the project is fully under way!